Saturday, June 21, 2008

Saturday, June 21

Today Dad's body continued to try to adjust to the new dosage of pain medications. Although it is mostly helping to keep the pain away, he is sleeping more.

Over the past couple of days when awake, he made mention of specific names of people he knows. We asked him about the people he mentioned and he said "they are praying for me." Then he smiled... The most amazing thing happened. Yesterday & again today he just mentioned the names of dear friends and within hours they were calling to check on Dad. God is working through His people in a way that we may not understand, but we have the opportunity to see a glimpse of His Almighty Power working through Believers.

Today Dad's dear friend Don Browning came to sing for him. Dad sang along with a strong voice and more energy than he had all day. Thanks Kim & Chris for the 'song' request. That was an amazing thing to see!

This is a picture taken in November 2007 of Dad with Gene & Cliff on one of their weekend hikes.

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